It’s a tall order for a film to be at once funny and sobering, doomsday and optimistic, slapstick at heart and thoughtful in execution. It’s no stretch to say t...
Hereditary wants to ask you if you know your own family. Take a minute to mull that question over. Well, do you? Because Ari Aster’s freshman feature also wants...
In June, television’s newest show about a young, 20-something girl trying to make it in New York City wrapped up its first season. Sweetbitter, based on the 201...
“If all the world hated you and believed you wicked, but your own conscience approved of you and absolved you from guilt, you would not be without friends.” Wid...
Ava DuVernay’s new film, A Wrinkle in Time, opens with Meg Murry lying awake in her attic bedroom, listening to a storm raging outside. An adaptation of Madelei...
Call Me By Your Name, this year’s Oscar winner for Best Adapted Screenplay, is an honest and moving portrayal of firsts. From first love to first heartbreak, th...
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel is – as I told my mom in a recent Facebook message – fucking amazing. While I would usually hesitate to use such language for a review...
Web series have become a legitimate medium with success stories like Broad City and High Maintenance, but with their small casts and smaller budgets, it’s essen...
There is something phenomenal about a good title card and the way it makes you feel at the beginning of a film. One of my very first film professors walked us t...
We’ve all been there. You open Instagram on your phone because you want to kill a few minutes. Fast-forward to an hour later, and you’re looking at a photo of a...