Ava DuVernay’s new film, A Wrinkle in Time, opens with Meg Murry lying awake in her attic bedroom, listening to a storm raging outside. An adaptation of Madelei...
Love in a technological world brings new challenges. Technology has changed the ways we build, maintain, and end the loving relationships we have with the peopl...
Archie Comics were one of the first introductions I had to relationships and love. In them, I discovered a double-edged attachment to Betty and Veronica, who ar...
Call Me By Your Name, this year’s Oscar winner for Best Adapted Screenplay, is an honest and moving portrayal of firsts. From first love to first heartbreak, th...
The focus of my web series, Broken Hearts Division, is an unsung department in the LAPD that is tasked with handling crimes of the heart. At the head of this di...
I never liked writing about love. I always thought it was too grand a topic for any one poet or novelist to pin down and then pen down. I always thought it was ...
The love of female friendships is more a hum than a tingle.
Growing up, I wanted the friendship of pristine, American suburbia – the kind of bubble gum and ...
As this is my first Editor’s Note of 2018, you might be expecting me to wax poetic about the year ahead of us, maybe even announce some big plans. I’m only goin...
The dynamics of family life are central to the films of American auteur Wes Anderson. One recurring theme in his films is the struggle of the Baby Boomer genera...
Someone once told me that Mustang (2015) is like the Turkish version of Sofia Coppola’s The Virgin Suicides (1999), but I think that comparison does Mustang a g...