Breakups are the worst, even when they’re for the best. When Nate (LaKeith Stanfield) dumps Jenny (Gina Rodriguez) after nine years of dating, she wants to be ...
Kübler-Ross Model dictates that there are five stages of grief: denial, anger,
bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Rosa Escandón’s Assault and Other
Elizabethtown is one of those movies you’re “not supposed to like.” With a score of 29% on Rotten Tomatoes and top-billing among films credited with the inventi...
Television history has no shortage of iconic couples. From Ross and Rachel to Jim and Pam, the almighty “ship” has kept many a show afloat and many a viewer com...
I am not, by definition, a brave woman. I’m squeamish around rodents, an anxious driver and passenger, and I’ve been known to take a few laps around the amuseme...
Melynda Malley is a pop culture enthusiast with a real degree in TV production and a fake degree in TV opinions. You can find her everywhere at @melyndamalley.