If you have ever gazed up at the Full Moon against a clear night’s sky and felt an immediate, mesmerising lull towards the celestial body, then you are not alo...
Hank Thompson
believes that before the internet, every girl was a lot more special. He
believes that no one cares about him—that’s why he left his real life, h...
I was first introduced to When Harry Met Sally when I was nine years old. I always knew that it was my mother’s favorite movie, but it existed as a sort of eni...
Television history has no shortage of iconic couples. From Ross and Rachel to Jim and Pam, the almighty “ship” has kept many a show afloat and many a viewer com...
We love to watch the illicit, extramarital affair on film. There is a certain pleasant uncertainty in watching two people who act outside of the bonds of marria...
Ava DuVernay’s new film, A Wrinkle in Time, opens with Meg Murry lying awake in her attic bedroom, listening to a storm raging outside. An adaptation of Madelei...
Love in a technological world brings new challenges. Technology has changed the ways we build, maintain, and end the loving relationships we have with the peopl...
Archie Comics were one of the first introductions I had to relationships and love. In them, I discovered a double-edged attachment to Betty and Veronica, who ar...
Call Me By Your Name, this year’s Oscar winner for Best Adapted Screenplay, is an honest and moving portrayal of firsts. From first love to first heartbreak, th...
I never liked writing about love. I always thought it was too grand a topic for any one poet or novelist to pin down and then pen down. I always thought it was ...